制动平稳:安全(紧急)制动,制动运行平稳安全可靠; 支持定制:如有特殊要求,在订货时协商确定,可根据您的需求定制; 材质耐用:选用不锈钢材质来制造,维护简单,寿命长; 广泛用于:起重、运输、冶金、矿山、港口、码头、建筑等机械中的停车制动和减速制动。 立即订购 -
制动平稳:安全(紧急)制动,制动运行平稳安全可靠; 支持定制:如有特殊要求,在订货时协商确定,可根据您的需求定制; 材质耐用:选用不锈钢材质来制造,维护简单,寿命长; 广泛用于:起重、运输、冶金、矿山、港口、码头、建筑等机械中的停车制动和减速制动。 立即订购DYT系列电液推杆 DYT SERIES ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC PUSHERS
·DYTseries electro-hydraulic push rod is a set of mechanical, electrical, hydraulic as one of the hydraulicdrive manipulator, suitable forreciprocating push-pull straight line or reciprocating rotation of a certainangle of movement, can also be used for the need to rise, fall or clamp work place, and can realize thecentralized and automatic control of remote dangerous areas. Widely used in metalldrgy, mining, electricpower, coal, machinery,transportation,chemical industry,cement,waterconservancy, building materials, transportation and other departments, is a general power source.
主要特点 Main Feature
·Compact structure, easy installation, small occupying space and simple maintenance.
· Atwo-way hydraulic lock is arranged in the loop, which can be stopped at any position within theprescribed travel range and self locked , and the output force remains unchanged.
·Push pull,speed (user requirements) stepless adjustable, driving force range is very wide.
·Therefore, the power is cut off and the push rod is self locked to avoid accidents.
·It adoots fut hydiraulic transmission, sensitive action and smooth operation,which can effectively bufferexternalimpact force and precise stroke control.
·Mechanical and hydraulic integrated closed structure, working oil circulation in the pressure free closedsteel cylinder, small volume, no oil seepage, in bad working environment, no dust. No water , no corrosioninside, long service life.
·Electrical control is simple.By adding various limit switches, it is easy to realize remote control anddangerous area operation control,and computer(PLC) automatic control.
使用条件 Operating Condition
·Ambient temperature: -20℃-+50℃
·Relative humidity: the relative humidity of the air is not more than 90%
·Voltages:AC 3 phase 380V 50Hz ( Other voltage can be made as required )
·Operating duty: intermittent (S3,40%)
·Special requirements can be discussed before production.
工作原理 Working Principle
·The electro-hydraulic push rod is a new type of flexible transmission mechanism integratingmechanical, electrical and hydraulic. lt is composed of actuator(oil cylinder), control mechanism(voltage control valve group) and power source (oil pump motor, etc). According to the on-siteinstallation space and user use, the electro-hydraulic push rod can have a variety of structuralforms (see the outline installation dimension drawing of electro-hydraulic push rod fordetails),You can also customize the style according to user requirements).
·The motordrives the bidirectional hydraulic pump forward and reverse fo output the pressure oilthrough positive and negative reversals,and sends it to the oil cylinder through the hydrauliccontrol valve to realize reciprocating motion of the piston rod.