制动平稳:安全(紧急)制动,制动运行平稳安全可靠; 支持定制:如有特殊要求,在订货时协商确定,可根据您的需求定制; 材质耐用:选用不锈钢材质来制造,维护简单,寿命长; 广泛用于:起重、运输、冶金、矿山、港口、码头、建筑等机械中的停车制动和减速制动。 立即订购 -
制动平稳:安全(紧急)制动,制动运行平稳安全可靠; 支持定制:如有特殊要求,在订货时协商确定,可根据您的需求定制; 材质耐用:选用不锈钢材质来制造,维护简单,寿命长; 广泛用于:起重、运输、冶金、矿山、港口、码头、建筑等机械中的停车制动和减速制动。 立即订购QP/CQP系列气动钳盘式制动器 QP/CQP SERIES PNEUMATIC DISC BRAKES
应用 Application
·QP/CQP series pneumatic caliper disc brakes are widely used for parking braking and deceleration braking of various mechanisms in hoisting, transportation, metallurgy, mining, port,wharf, construction and other machinery.
使用条件 Operating Condition
·Ambient temperature:-5℃~+40℃
·Working pressure: QP series is 5-7bar, CQPseries is ≤7bar.
·Outdoor rain and snow erosion or corrosive gases and media should use anti-corrosion products.
·The air source should be free of oil,water and other impurities.
主要特点Main Feature
·无石棉制动衬垫,绿色环 保。
·QP series is spring brake, pneumatic release,CQP series is pneumatic brake, spring release.
·The whole structure is simple, the volume is small and the weight is light.
·Non asbestos brake pad, green and environmental protection.
·The brake pad is installed with pressure spring clamping type,which is safe and reliable, andeasy and fast to replace.
·After adjusting the brake pad, the adjustment is simple and convenient.
·QP series can adjust four levels of braking torque with one disc diameter of each type of brake.
·All power sources do notneed to be set separately, and can be connected with the existing aircompressor station.Speed control valve is installed in the air supply line, and the braking timecan be adjusted steplessly.